sâmbătă, 26 noiembrie 2011

Media (plural of medium) and Maximum Cr/Fe Ratio

The maximum single dose - 10 mg, 50 pt treatment - 4 - 8 weeks, a break between courses - 1 pt 2 months, Bacille Calmette-Guerin (Tuberculosis Vaccination) 6 - 14 years are prescribed in doses of 2.5 mg (1/2tabl) - 5 mg / pt or daily h / day, treatment does not exceed 4 weeks; break between courses - 6 - 8 weeks. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: increases resistance in various diseases, accelerates the processes of regeneration and resorption in abnormal tissues, normalizes metabolic processes; contains carbon, nucleic and amino acids, glycosaminoglycans, acetylcholine and substance atsetylholinopodibni 17-ketosteroyidy and estriol; increases resistance at different diseases, accelerates the processes of regeneration and resorption in abnormal tissues, normalizes metabolic processes, acting as inducer of protein biosynthesis, including enzymes, increases the activity of key enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism and antioxidant protection, stimulates the hypothalamic-pituitary-nadnyrkovozaloznu system activates the cortical processes of excitation and inhibition. Contraindications to the use of medicines: prostate cancer, liver cancer, hypersensitivity to the active ingredient or ingredients. 5 mg. Method of production of drugs: Mr injection of 2 ml in amp. Dosing and Administration of drugs: prescribed internally, before eating, starting dose for adults - 10 - 15 mg / day, in some cases the dose may be increased to 30 mg / day, maintenance dose - 5 - 10 mg / day. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, severe hypotension, children, women. in the event of infertility to increase sperm quantity and quality - for the full cycle of spermatogenesis (ie within 90 days) 2 - 3 g / day to pt 1 table, if necessary repeat the cycle treatment after a break of several weeks, to increase the concentration of fructose in the ejaculate in case of failure in cells Leydyha postpubertatnyy period for several months 2 g / day of receiving Table 1. Indications for use drugs: cachexia various genesis; violation protein metabolism after severe trauma, infections, burns, surgery, radiation therapy, osteoporosis of various genesis, progressive muscular dystrophy, myopathy and osteoporosis prevention in the background of glucocorticosteroids, retarded callus formation after fracture in the pediatric practice at a delay of growth, c-mi-Shereshevsky Turner, anorexia and malnutrition. Pharmacotherapeutic group: A14AA03 - anabolic steroids. Method of production of drugs: the extract liquid for injection 1 ml in Am.; Mr injection 1 ml in amp. 1 - 3 g / day oral, expressed through fluctuations dose bioavailability of active ingredient must choose individually from the reception? Table. pt main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: stimulates metabolism, pt resistance to the action of extreme irritation, infectious diseases, normalizes physiological functions pt the body, promotes the regeneration process. Indications for use drugs: prostatitis (in complex therapy). Dosing and Administration of drugs: p / w adults and 1 - 2 ml daily or every other day, in children as daily or every other day - ages 3 to 5 years pt 0,2 - 0,3 ml, after 5 years - 0, 5 ml; treatment - 25 - 30 injections, if necessary after 2-3 months of the introduction of repeat breaks. Dosing and Administration of drugs: the recommended dose - 1 - 2 tab. Contraindications to the use of drugs: ocular TB, skrofuloz, decompensated glaucoma, severe kidney disease and the SS system, the second half of pregnancy. Method of production of drugs: Table. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: cause and effect psyhostymulyuyuchyy enhance reaction yohimbine activates sexual pt and normalizes the reduced stress resulting from sexual activity; alkaloid from the bark of the West African tree Corynanthe yohimbe; blocks? 2-adrenoreceptors and increases the central exchange of adrenaline, that activates the adrenergic neurons in the central nervous system, causing psyhostymulyuyuchyy effect and enhance the reaction; affects the serotoninergic, dopaminergic and cholinergic transmission of nerve impulses, the exact mechanism of action of erectile dysfunction is unknown, studies on animals have shown that yohimbine Nitric Oxide Synthase sexual behavior pt normalizes reduced due to stress sexual activity, and the introduction of yohimbine into the artery of the penis causes restores violates psyhostymulyuyuchyy effect and enhance the reaction nnya erections, caused activation?-blockers, therapeutic effect in humans is due largely to the effects of yohimbine CNS possible mechanism of action is vasodilatation of the penis and direct effect on tissue involved in the erection, explaining frequent delays onset of effect on 2 - 3 weeks may be the accumulation of the active metabolite 11-hidroksyyohimbinu. Indications for use drugs: erectile Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder male menopause.

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